About Us
As the family of God our mission is to constantly meet together under God's word, to grow in our knowledge of God, to live our lives in obedience to the word of God and to bring others into the family of God by introducing them to the saving work of Jesus.
What We Believe
Scripture is the authoritative word of God. It is through God’s word, that we are able to know God fully.
God created the world from nothing through this word and nothing exists apart from God.
We walked away from the rule of God, wanting to be god ourselves. This is what we call sin. Walking away from God means walking away from the source of life and into death.
Jesus is God the Son, who became man. Jesus alone lived a life in complete obedience to God and yet died the sinner’s death. On the cross, He took the punishment for the sins of those who believe in Him and brought them to life with Him at the resurrection, making us children of God.
Forgiveness and new life is a gift freely given by God. Unable to be earned or bought by any human effort.
We receive the Spirit of God as a down payment of our eternal life. The Holy Spirit leads us in living a life now, in the knowledge of the future hope and glory to come.
Jesus will return in glory to judge the living and the dead.
Meet Our Staff

Matthew Borg
[email protected] | 0411 744 301

Dixie Skuthorpe
Aboriginal Pastoral Worker
[email protected]