

Jesus commands us to serve each other (Mark 9:35). When we are serving here at Uralla we are being obedient to him, following Christ’s example. God sent His son to be the ultimate servant. When we serve, we are following the very example Jesus set for us – giving of yourself for other people. As we are following the command and example of Jesus, we grow in relationship with those we work alongside. Service to God’s kingdom is how God uses us to be and grow the family of God. Join us in serving God and each other.


Serving Signup

Church Details

Account Name: Anglican Parish of Uralla

BSB: 932000

Account Number: 626484


Financially supporting the work of the gospel that takes place at Uralla Anglican Church is a really important way to express being and growing the family of God and our partnership together.


We give because we are committed to growing disciples of Christ; because we know how much God has given us in Jesus; because we are partners together in the gospel and in the mission of being and growing the family of God; to support the work of the ministry staff who teach us and shepherd us in the gospel.


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